Sunday, April 21, 2013


Your prompt for today is simply to take a walk. Make notes — mental or otherwise — on what you see on your walk, and incorporate these notes into your poem

Walking down the avenue
I see the cars whiz past me
Ice-cream stalls nearby
Friends waving Hi and Goodbye

I walk a little further
A mother holds the hand of her kid
The fruit vendor looks insipid
As the weather grows more torrid

Listening to the honks and
The bell ring of Rickshaw puller
I enter the park
Where I always go for a brisk walk

While I walk
I observe the green grass
And the tall trees
Enjoy the melody of the birds

I also watch children
Engrossed in their games
Hear aged people talk about politics,
Present generation and their bygone days

In the park boulevard
Serenity dawns on me
The world despite the chaos
Looks pristine to me

A walk on the boulevard rejuvenates me!


  1. That is definitely a truth.

  2. a daily routine beautifully put,good writers need good story to engross their readers,great writers can engross them with ordinary tales,you definetely belong in the scond cateogary!!!!

    1. Wow Sid Sasmit, this really means a lot. I am so humbled by your comments and I hope I am always up to the mark. :) Thanx!

  3. I never think walking as an exercise, but a window that reveals fine vistas of life. Like the poetry.

    1. Yes that is definitely true, A walk is so relaxing and it does reveal fine vistas of life. It generates new and positive thoughts, and evokes happy feeling.
      Thanx for liking!

  4. This is beautiful. Evokes wonderful images!

  5. Beautiful and mind blowing. Walk is spice of my lofe. I power walk 8 kms every day in one hour.

    Travel India
